I sing the Blues.

The Blues is a State, a State of the Soul, a State of Light, like the coursing of a secret aspect through the blood.

The Blues is a Mystery. An alchemic mixture of Love.

It flows into every cell in the body and lights them all up.

It sometimes flows peacefully. Sometimes its current is raging and dangerous.

Sometimes it is a whisper. Sometimes a roar of a wild Animal locked in a cage.

My Blues always wants Freedom and Space.

When it is in a cramped music club, it tears it to pieces.

When it is out in the open air, its Wings become vast and calm and embrace all of Space.

Its Peace and Wildness are able to mix across Space of a few seconds, eliminating rationality because they are always the sheet music of a secret Power.

After 20 years of analysing this State, I finally sing the Blues in my own way.

I am Calm and Breathe Tenderly.

I am finally singing that which Jimi Hendrix played and minding my own.

It no longer matters to me like it once did who I play and sing with.

In a great many places on this Planet Composers and Musicians and especially Sound Arrangers do not Feel the Blues. They replay it by copying real Masters and their efforts always stop at “how” and not at “what” which sooner or later changes into frustration.

I will sing the Blues on Polish stages in Polish and English (I sometimes sing It in French too) until I manage to pray my Dream true and sing the Blues with Musicians in the United States.

Because the Blues and Soul are a Prayer, which is dangerous because it is so real. Because it is not like Catharsis – it is Catharsis.

It is the Art of Fighting without Fighting. Art without rules because the Soul has no earthly rules, no earthly prisons.

But one has to be able to Surrender to one's surroundings. Surrender without giving up. We have to fall like fiery stars into human hearts. We have to not be afraid to break earthly rules and stand face to face with Solitude, deconstructing it into Love.

The Blues is an Old Soul.

 Natalia Sikora 13.05.2022



„Someday you shall contemplate

How you've earned your living

It's a question of integrity - origin - roots

The examination of conscience

Have you met a person on your way

Who has never

Used you for their ends

Nor have you used him

Have the two of you ever met

Nature is our Mirror

The Great Soul of the World

How many of us Believe In this

How many of us truly Believe”

Natalia Sikora & Anna Ławieńska 


Natalia Sikora, born on April 20, 1986 at 10:05 PM in Słupsku, in Poland- the Pomeranian.

Artist: singer, songwriter, music co-composer, actress, screenwriter, poetess, painter.

… My life is creating, getting in touch with Nature and Sport, pursue my passion, loyalty to people. It is playing with fire. I Love Challenges and Risks…

I am a highly sensitive person and addicted to truth.  I am Fire, a Tiger and an Old Indian Soul (a Fiery Angel) and with her a lot of Incarnations and Extremes because I don’t know the balance. I get bored with everything not connected with Nature Energy. The things that tease me are the dawns and dusks when the night gives it magic to day and when the day becomes night. When the day birds give their songs to the night birds and the storm. The truth from my heart, the people from shine. My live began with Jimi Hendrix “Machine gun”. I grow up with Silver Fang The Shooting Star Gin, Bruce Lee, Steven McQueen and Alfred Hitchcock but above all with the music and artists of ’60 and ‘70. The Polish film The Quack and the character played by Jerzy Bińczycki is something that shocked me and was like Catharsis. My next passion was the world (worlds) of Anthony Hopkins. Of course, the worlds that I am thinking of are those consistent with me, the one that I love. I believe in dreams. Our world is an illusion which we create on our own, with lives, adventures with Good and Evil, our dreams and faith. I feel that I am human being because I feel animals and they thought me what is important, simple and real. They were before us and there are wise. We were those who supposed to create beauty because we are the Mirror of Nature. But our DNA has a mistake, it is the self-destruction and destruction. I believe that Art can cure this mistake. I know that from all the things that the human world has only the sensitive things will last forever… a very long time ago my Grandma sailed from America to Poland and someday I will sail back… (Natalia Sikora)


Music (Bands and artistic duets):

- with Grzegorzem Kwietniem (od 2002),

- Magmen (2001 - 2005),

- Kantele chorus soloist with the lead of Romana Illa Drozda (2002 - 2005 ), 

- Black Company (with Pawłem Lucewiczem, 2004 - 2007),

- with Hadrian Tabęcki from 2008,

- Sikora Proniuk Duo (with Piotrem Proniukiem, 2007 - 2015),

- FreeZBe (2008),

- At The Lake (2009 - 2013),

- Mięśnie (2010 - 2017),

- BWB Experience (2013 - 2014),

- with Paweł Stankiewicz (od 2016),

- VOODOO DOG (od 2016),

- with Darek Kozakiewicz (2018 - 2021),

- Huncwot (od 2018),

- Darek Kozakiewicz LIVE (2020 - 2021).



- Magmen „Upór” (pub own, 2002),

- Sikora Proniuk Duo „Absurdustra – Próba Norwida” (pub Poskie Radio, 2011),

- At The Lake „Maya” (pub own, 2012),

- Natalia Sikora „Zanim” (pub MTJ, 2013),

- Natalia Sikora „BWB Experience Bezludna Wyspa Bluesa” (pub Universal, 2014),

- Mięśnie „Mięśnie” (pub MTJ, 2014),

- Natalia Sikora VOODOO DOG “Buried Alive In The Blues” (pub Polskie Radio, 2016),

- Natalia Sikora „Tribute to Mira Kubasińska” (pub MTJ, 2018),

- Natalia Sikora „Ailatan” (pub Agora, 2019),

- Huncwot „Huncwot” (pub own, 2020),

- Darek Kozakiewicz LIVE „Darek Kozakiewicz LIVE” (pub Radio Opole, 2021),

- Natalia Sikora VOODOO DOG „VOODOO DOG” (pub own, 2021),

- several dozen interpretation published on various compositions.


Details Music:

- III award – Ogólnopolski Festiwalu Piosenki Francuskiej in Lublin (2003),

- distinction - XXX Ogólnopolskie Spotkania Zamkowe „Śpiewajmy Poezję” in Olsztyn (2003),

- two time finalist in  „Szansa na Sukces” (2004 - 2005) in the repertoire: Stan Borys (song: „Szukam Przyjaciela”) and TSA (song: „Alien”),

- II award - Festiwal im. Anny Jantar in Września (2004),

- III award - XIII Finał Turnieju Poezji Śpiewane in Włocławek (2004),

- I award - XIV Ogólnopolski Festiwal Piosenki Studenckiej LYKEND in Wrocław (2004),

- I award (and an award from Hanna Banaszak) - IX Ogólnopolski Festiwal Sztuki Słowa „Czy to jest kochanie?” in Elbląg (2005),

- I award - V Ogólnopolski Festiwal Piosenki Poetyckiej „O złote koło młyńskie” in Stargard Szczeciński (2005),

- II award - Competition „Pamiętajmy o Osieckiej” in Warszawa (2005),

- award from Minister of Culture - Festiwal im. Anny German in Zielona Góra (2005),

- 26 Przegląd Piosenki Aktorskiej „Nowa Fala” in Wrocław: Audience Award, Journalists Award, award im. Andrzeja Waligórskiego, Main Award (2005),

- Audience Award - 17. ChansonFestival in Kolonia (2006),

- I award - I Ogólnopolski Festiwal im. Czesława Niemena NON-STOP in Słupsk (2006),

- Specjal Award - XI Festiwal Piosenki Artystycznej in Rybnik (2007),

- I award - XIV Ogólnopolskiego Turnieju Śpiewających Poezję ŁAŹNIA 2007 in Radom (2007),

- I award - II International Festival SINGING MASK in Petersburg (2007),

- I award – II edition The Voice Of Poland (2013),

- I award – im. Anny Jantar w 50. KFPP in Opole in the competition SuperDebiuty (2013),

- II award – Festiwal Piosenki Rosyjskiej in Zielona Góra (2013).



Graduate of Academy of Dramatic Art. In Warsaw on acting department (2010).

RONDO theatre (od 2002):

- Role: ONA in the preformance „Katar w Chinach” (director S. Miedziewski, 2004),

- Role: WITKACY in Wywiedziony ze Słowa „Pytam o Sam-O-Zgon” (director Natalia Sikora, 2004),

- Role: MARYNA CWIETAJEWA in Monodrama „Elegia Kresu” (director S. Miedziewski, 2005),

  • „Dziady”, Roles: ANGEL, MRS SOWIETNIKOWA, YOUNG LADY, director S. Miedziewski/Nowy Theatre im. Witkacego in Słupsku (2007),
  • „Anty-Szanty” musical preformance, Role: BARTENDER, director: Jerzy Satanowski/Atelier Theatre im. Agnieszki Osieckiej in Sopot. (2008),
  • „Bóg mówi słowo”, Role: MOTHER director: Jan Englert/Warsaw Theatre Academy (2009),
  • „Chopin w Ameryce”, Role: MURZYNKA, director : Andrzej Strzelecki/ Warsaw Theatre Academy (2009),
  • „O'Malley's Bar”, Role: MOTH GIRL director Karolina Kolendowicz/Collegium Noblilium in Warsaw, 30. PPA in Wrocław, Polonnia Theatre (2009),
  • „Dziady”, Role: ZOSIA, director: K. Kolendowicz/ Warsaw Theatre Academy (2010),
  • „Cabaret”, Role: SALLY BOWLES, director: Andrzej Maria Marczewski/Nowy Theatre im. Witkacego Słupsk (2011),
  • „Album snów”, Role: ANGEL, author: Czesław Miłosz, director: Roman Kołakowski/Polish Theatre in Warsaw (2011),
  • „Hekabe”, Role: POLYKSENA, author: Eurypides, director: K. Labakhua/Polish Theatre in Warsaw (2011),
  • „Wszędzie jest wyspa tu”, Role: WOMAN, author: Wisława Szymborska, director: Magdalena Smalara/Polish Theatre in Warsaw (2012),
  • „Kalino malino czerwona jagodo”, Role: ANIELA, written and directed by: Igor Gorzkowski/Studio Teatralne Koło (2012),
  • „Norwid Blues. Recital Natalii Sikory”,designed and direction by: Natalia Sikora/Polish Theatre in Warsaw– small scene (2012),
  • „Martwa królewna”, Role: RIMMA, author: Nikołaj Kolada, director: Romuald Szejd/Scena Prezentacje Theatre (2013),
  • „Quo vadis słowami Sienkiewicza, Eliota, Audena i innych”, Role: DAMA PEŁNA WSPÓŁCZUCIA, director: Janusz Wiśniewski/Polish Theatre in Warsaw (2013),
  • „Molly i Bloom”, Role; MOLLY, author: James Joyce, director: Romuald Szejd/ Scena Prezentacje Thetre (2013),
  • „Joplin”, Role: JANIS JOPLIN, written and directed by: Tomasz Gawron/Musical Theatre Capitol (2014),
  • „Cygan w Polskim. Życie jest piosenką”, Role: SONG, written and directed by: Jacek Cygan/Polish Theatre in Warsaw(2014),
  • „Zelda i Scott”, Role: ZELDA, author: Renaud Meyer, director: Romuald Szejd/Scena Prezentacje Theatre(2015),
  • „Wesele”, Role: RACHELA, author: Stanisław Wyspiański, director: Krzysztof Jasiński/Polish Theatre in Warsaw (2015),
  • „Ukraiński Dekameron”, Roles: DŻUMA and CHOLERA, written and directed by: Vlad Troicki/Polish Theatre in Warsaw (2016),
  • „Piękny Nieczuły”, Role: EDITH PIAF, director: Edward Wojtaszek/ „Polonia” theatre (2017),
  • „Huśtawka”, Role: GIZELA MOSCA, director: Anna Sroka-Hryń/ Och-Teatr Theatre in Warsaw (2019),
  • “Matka”, Role: ZOSIA, director: Jakub Przebindowski/Warsaw Chamber Opera
  • „Król Lear”, Role: KORDELIA, director Igor Gorzkowski, Soho Theatre, video preformance (2021).


DUBBING: The Croods (Role: Eep, 2013), The Lego Movie 2 (Role: Queen Wisimi, 2018), The Lion King (Role: Shenzi, 2019), The Croods 2: Nowa Era (Role: Eep, 2020), Shang – Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (Role: Katy, 2021), The Croods: Drzewo Rodzinne (Role: Eep, 2022).

THEATRE TV: Umarli ze Spoon River, (Author Edgar Lee Masters, director. Jola Ptaszyńska, 2007), Inny Świat (Author Gustaw Herling – Grudziński, director. Igor Gorzkowski, 2019).


2022: „SILENT TWINS” (Role: Pacjentka) - Film

2022: „M JAK MIŁOŚĆ” (Role: Marta) - Feature Series

2022: „ERYNIE” (Role: Cześka)

2022: „KRAKOWSKIE POTWORY” (Role: Matka w szpitalu)

2021: „MAGDALENA” (Role: Julia) - Feature Film

2021: „MENTAL” (Role: Kiki) - Feature Series

2021: „SKAZANA” (Role: Szkudlarek) - Feature Series

2020: „GWIAZDECZKA” (Role: Kosa) - School Etude

2020: „ZAKOCHANI PO USZY” (Role: Martyna) - Fearure Series

2019: „INNY ŚWIAT” (Role: Natalia Lwowna) - Teleplay

2019: „PIOŁUN” (Role: Matka) - School Etude

2018: “BOTOKS” (Role: Hania) - Feature Series

2018: „KLER” (Role: Ofiara) - Feature Film

2017: „NA DOBRE I NA ZŁE” (Role: Agnieszka) - Feature Series

2016: „BODO” (Role: Aldona) - Feature Film

2016: „BODO” (Role: Aldona) - Feature Series

2016: „JÁ OLGA HEPNAROVÁ” (Role: Osadzona) - Feature Fillm

2016: „O MNIE SIĘ NIE MARTW” (Lena Fabicka) - Feature Series

2014: „ARBITER UWAGI” (Role: Prostytutka) - Feature Film

2013: „STACJA WARSZAWA” (Role: Policjantka) - Feature Film

2010: „MAM CIĘ NA TAŚMIE” (Role: Mama Merlina) - Short feature Film

2010 „NA WSPÓLNEJ” (Role: Paula) - Feature Series

2010: „SAMO ŻYCIE” (Role: Alina) – Feature Series

2006: “UMARLI ZE SPOON RIVER” (Role: Flossie Cabanis)





Song: NIE DAJ SIĘ - Preformance

2016: „BODO”

Song: MURKA - Preformance




Details Acting:

- I award - 48.i 50. Ogólnopolski Konkurs Recytatorski in Słupsk (2003,2005),

- Bruge, Belgium International Art workshop – Connexion (2004),

- individual actor award  for the preformance „Katar w Chinach” based on Różewicza director. Stanisław Otto Miedziewski VIII Ogólnopolskim Turnieju Sztuki Słowa „Czy to jest kochanie?” in Elbląg (2004),

- Irena Jun award III Polish Word Art. Tournament „Zaklęte w labiryncie mitu” in Szczecin (2004),

- debut in front of the camera- preformance Television Theatre "Umarli ze Spoon River” (2006),

- I award  Konkursie Mówienia Wiersza Herbertowskiego na XVI Warsztatach Wydziałów Aktorskich Polskich Szkół Teatralnych (2008),

- I award - 30 Przeglądu Piosenki Aktorskiej nurtu off in Wrocławiu with the project  ''O' Malley’s Bar'' (2009),

- Workshop with continuators  GROTOWSKIEGO Theatre in Pontederze (2009),

- best debiuting actor award in Polish Radio Theatre (2011),

- finalist „Talentów Trójki” category Theatre (2011),

- Prof. Tadeusza Łomnickiego Scholarship  granted by Rectora of Akademia Teatralna im. A. Zelwerowicza sof succes after graduation (2012),

- handprints on Promenada Gwiazd during the 21. Festiwal Gwiazd in Międzyzdroje (2016),

- Lizbona (Cinalfama Lisbon International Film Festival) award for the best role in w ”Piołun” (2019).